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biophilic design

"The biophilic hypothesis suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connection with nature and other forms of life."

edward o. wilson

analogous reference

Biophilic Design Goal:

Analogous Reference

Neuroscientists have found that views of complex, dynamic natural scenes trigger many more interactions of the mu (opioid) receptors in the large rear portion of the visual cortex. Viewing nature is literally a pleasurable experience. Views with less visual richness, such as a blank wall, are processed in the small forward portion of the visual cortex and trigger far fewer of the mu receptors, triggering less pleasurable mental reactions.


With SoftForm Lighting, an Analogous Reference can be printed on our fabric to achieve the visual richness we like.

diffuse ambient

Biophilic design is all about bringing the positive physiological and psychological benefits of connecting with nature into building interiors. One such benefit is Diffuse Ambient illumination. In nature, we experience light that is omnidirectional resulting in highly diffuse and visually friendly luminance.  Inside, we experience light that is unidirectional, coming from small areas of high brightness typically applied as symmetrical arrays.


SoftForm Lighting recommends a change in the lighting design paradigm. From symmetrical arrays of unidirectional lighting with small areas of visually uncomfortable luminance to clustered arrays that create broad areas of omnidirectional, diffuse, low brightness, luminance. For additional information go to our blog article on the new lighting design paradigm.



Biophilic Design Goal:

Diffuse Ambient

biomorphic patterns

In nature, biomorphic forms and patterns often appear as fractals, or naturally-occurring shapes and schemes. Similar to the analogous reference, biomorphic forms have a positive impact on our physiology.  And, introducing this element into a biophilic design scheme is not limited to lighting. These biomorphic shapes can as be applied to other textiles, custom patterning, and floor plans that are more organic, “blobular,” and don’t appear to be ordered into straight lines.


Biophilic Design Goal:

Biomorphic Patterns


The biophilic design element Refuge is about creating spaces that are more intimate and conducive to human interaction. Besides lighting, the attenuation of sound energy reflecting off of hard surfaces is a key element to creating a good space for conversation.


SoftForm Lighting's fabric light diffusion media has a Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of 0.25. See the full report here.


Biophilic Design Goal:


circadian stimulation


Well Building Standard:

Circadian Stimulation

There is a growing body of evidence that supports that we, as biological beings, are more healthy if our circadian rhythms are in sync with the natural cycle of the day. Unfortunately, electric lighting enables us to be active 24/7 and can seriously affect the ability to keep our rhythms aligned.


A recent publication by the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the world's leading center for lighting research and education, stated that "...exposure to a CS of 0.3 or greater at the eye, for at least one hour in the early part of the day, is effective for stimulating the circadian system and is associated with better sleep and improved behavior and mood."


SoftForm Lighting light forms can achieve the stated CS threshold at 25 Fc (3000K or 5000K CCT) or 40 Fc (3500K or 4000K CCT).  For more detail check out our CS blog post .

For a better visual reference to SoftForm Lighting's products, check out the video below.

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Biophilic Design with Soft Form Lighting
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